下面的短文有10处空白,短文后列出12个词,其中10个取自短文,请根据短文内容将其 分别放回原有位置,以恢复文章原貌。Immigration and ProblemsHundreds of thousands of people supporting immigration rights in the US filled streets all over America in early 2006.Many held signs and American flags and asked to be ___31___as citizens rather than criminals. Senator John McCain held the opinion that the country should open a ___32___ to citizenship to immigrants (移民) who were already in the country illegally, while other politicians ___33___for stricter measures—including rounding up undocumented immigrants and sending them back to their home countries.Canadian officials say that immigration applications continue to rise.Some want to keep the doors ___34___ . They need the labor. About 400.000 immigrants were allowed into the country in 2005, according to the Canadian Government statistics. ___35___ .all this growth means that cities need to adapt. New comers don't always make a smooth transition into jobs for which they are skilled.So industries are using mentoring (辅导) programs to help new ___36___ find proper jobs.With the large numbers of undocumented African immigrants arriving in the Canary Islands, the Spanish Government has decided to get ___37___ . There will be no more mass amnesties (特赦) for the illegal immigrants, and anyone coming to Spain without___38___will be sent back.France's new immigration and integration law gives the government new powers to encourage high-skilled migration. It takes ___39___ in 2007.The new law authorizes the government to help these identified employers find immigrant workers with needed skills or qualifications. The selected foreign employees will be granted“skills and talents”visas (签证) .But some people show the concern that it'll cause brain drain in ___40___countries.A.immigrantsB.HoweverC.developingD. pathE.openF.toughG.effectH.ThereforeI.developedJ. permissionK.treatedL.called
下面的短文有10处空白,短文后列出12个词,其中10个取自短文,请根据短文内容将其 分别放回原有位置,以恢复文章原貌。Immigration and ProblemsHundreds of thousands of people supporting immigration rights in the US filled streets all over America in early 2006.Many held signs and American flags and asked to be___31___as citizens rather than criminals.Senator John McCain held the opinion that the country should open a ___32___to citizenship to immigrants (移民) who were already in the country illegally, while other politicians ___33___for stricter measures—including rounding up undocumented immigrants and sending themback to their home countries.Canadian officials say that immigration applications continue to rise.Some want to keep the doors___34___. They need the labor. About 400.000 immigrants were allowed into the country in 2005, according to the Canadian Government statistics.___35___.all this growth means that cities need to adapt. New comers don't always make a smooth transition into jobs for which they are skilled.So industries are using mentoring (辅导) programs to help new___36___find proper jobs.With the large numbers of undocumented African immigrants arriving in the Canary Islands, the Spanish Government has decided to get___37___. There will be no more mass amnesties(特赦) forthe illegal immigrants, and anyone coming to Spain without___38___will be sent back.France's new immigration and integration law gives the government new powers to encourage high-skilled migration. It takes___39___in 2007.The new law authorizes the government to help these identified employers find immigrant workers with needed skills or qualifications. The selected foreignemployees will be granted“skills and talents”visas(签证) .But some people show the concern thatit'llcause braindrainin___40___countries.
下面的短文有5处空白,短文后有6个句子,其中5个取自短文,请根据短文内容将其分别放回原有位置,以恢复文章原貌。The Olympic GamesThe Olympic Games are an international sports competition, which are held every four years in adifferent city.___26___ Over 1 billion people watch the games on TV.The first Olympic Games were held in Greece in 776 B.C.They were called the ancient gamesand lasted until the 4th century A.D.___27___It was when the Frenchman Pierre de Coubertin revivedthe games to bring peace and friendship to the young people all over the world.Today, there are summer and winter games. Up to 1994 both games were held in the same year, but now they are staged two years apart from each other.The Summer Games are held during the summer season of the host country.They last for 16days.Today, there are more than 270 events during the games. Over15, 000 athletes from190 nations take part.The first separate Winter Games were held in Chamonix, France in1924.They usually takeplace in February.Today, the Winter Olympics include over 60 events. Athletes from more than 60countries participate.The International Olympic Committee or IOC is the organization that governs the games.___28___TheIOC also selects the host city for the summer and winter games, at least seven years before they takeplace.Cities that want the games must show that:·They have enough stadiums for all events.·___29___·They can provide safety for the athletes.· They can transport athletes and spectators from one event to another.·Host cities must build an Olympic village where all athletes live during the games.The Olympic Games today have become very successful over the past years.___30___And television stations are spending more money for the rights to broadcast the games. The IOC earns moremoney than ever before. With this money they help athletes in poorer countries.A.It decides which sports and events are held at the games.B.The modern games began in 1896.C.Thousands of athletes from all over the world compete against each other.D. Winter sports abound in Canada, where the winter Olympics will be held in 2014.E.More and more people are able to watch them on TV.F.They have enough room for all the athletes.
Task 221.For as long as three months of a year, the sun_________on the ice-covered land of Alaska22.Accordingtostatistics,_________of the total area of Alaska has been used for farming, 23.Alaska was originally part of Russia, but was bought_________24.Gold did not bring to Alaska as much wealth_________25._________has become Alaska'ssingle important resource.A. as fish doesB. oilC. by the United States in the 19th centuryD. shines day and nightE. only a very small percentageF. a limited amount of the gold found there