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2023年 4 月高等教育自学考试
课 程代码:00603
课 程代码:00603
1. 请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案写在答题纸上。
2. 答题前,考生务必将自己的考试课程名称、姓名 、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔 填写在答题纸规定 的 位置上。
L. Supply the missing paragraph. (20 points)
The following passage is incomplete with one paragraph missing. Study the pa ssage carefully and write the missing paragraph in about 100 words. Make sure th at your tone and diction are in unity with the passage provided.
Want to Conquer a Major Goal ? Think Big, Act Small
Most high-performing professionals have multiple major work and personal goals. Whether it's landing a big new client or running a marathon, setting and achieving large goals boosts our satisfaction levels and self-esteem and helps us achieve important outcomes that advance our careers and enrich our lives.
But starting anything big or new is challenging. Inertia is a powerful force to conquer. Fear of failure stops many people from tackling or even setting a big goal—but it doesn't have to. Whether it's landing that big new client or going the distance, your mountainous goal is achievable with the right strategies. When you reach for the stars, or even something more modest, the key to success is to think big but act small. To put it another way, form a mental picture of your goal, and then move step by step towards it
First, you need to imagine your goal. Annabelle Bond, the fastest woman ever to climb the highest peak on every continent, maintained a mental image of majestic Mt. Everest. That vision of the world's highest mountain dominated her thoughts every day. It is reported that people who vividly describe or picture their goals are 20% to 40% more l i kely to accompl ish them, and Annabelle Bond proves the point. You should also anticipate the challenges you might encounter along the way and the ways to mitigate such obstacles. The more detai led your vision of the process of achieving the goal, the more prepared you will be to overcome potential obstacl es.
00603# 英语写作试题 第 1 页 (共 3页)
2. 答题前,考生务必将自己的考试课程名称、姓名 、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔 填写在答题纸规定 的 位置上。
L. Supply the missing paragraph. (20 points)
The following passage is incomplete with one paragraph missing. Study the pa ssage carefully and write the missing paragraph in about 100 words. Make sure th at your tone and diction are in unity with the passage provided.
Want to Conquer a Major Goal ? Think Big, Act Small
Most high-performing professionals have multiple major work and personal goals. Whether it's landing a big new client or running a marathon, setting and achieving large goals boosts our satisfaction levels and self-esteem and helps us achieve important outcomes that advance our careers and enrich our lives.
But starting anything big or new is challenging. Inertia is a powerful force to conquer. Fear of failure stops many people from tackling or even setting a big goal—but it doesn't have to. Whether it's landing that big new client or going the distance, your mountainous goal is achievable with the right strategies. When you reach for the stars, or even something more modest, the key to success is to think big but act small. To put it another way, form a mental picture of your goal, and then move step by step towards it
First, you need to imagine your goal. Annabelle Bond, the fastest woman ever to climb the highest peak on every continent, maintained a mental image of majestic Mt. Everest. That vision of the world's highest mountain dominated her thoughts every day. It is reported that people who vividly describe or picture their goals are 20% to 40% more l i kely to accompl ish them, and Annabelle Bond proves the point. You should also anticipate the challenges you might encounter along the way and the ways to mitigate such obstacles. The more detai led your vision of the process of achieving the goal, the more prepared you will be to overcome potential obstacl es.
00603# 英语写作试题 第 1 页 (共 3页)
With this process of picturing your goal and then moving towards it step by step, there
are some additional tactics you can use to increase your chances ofsuccessfullyrealizing your aspirations, such as writing down your goals and keeping them visible, celebrating your achievements along the way, and reflecting on how you get to each milestone and what you can learn and improve from the effort.
To propel yourself toward anycompelling work or personal goal,think big and act small. Form a challenging goal in your mind and take baby steps to get there. As you go from milestone to milestone you move the goalpost forward. And with each milestone that you accomplish, your risingconfidence motivation and momentum help ensure that you get to the next milestone. Gradually, that daunting goal becomes reachable, doable and then done.
I. Write an outline. (20 points)
Read the following passage carefully and compose a“Topic Outline”for it. What Are Travel Coaches, and Should You Hire One?
When Vera Russo decided to visit Italy this summer, she didn't go online to book a plane ticket or call a travel agent Instead, like a growing number of Americans, she contacted Francesca Owens, a travelcoach, for help. Owens, who lived in ltaly for about 15 years, plans Italian trips for women 50 and over
Travel coaches are gaining in popularity now that interest in travel is again on the rise. There is no reliable data on the number of travel coaches, but anecdotal evidence suggests that it's a growing field. But what is a travel coach, and should you consider hiring one?
Most travel coaches are experienced travelers who want to share the knowledge they've gained on the road. They aren't travel agents and typically don't make a booking for you. Instead, they are closer to life coaches, who offer advice and guidance. But instead of trying to improve the quality of your life, a travel coach works on upgrading your vacation by recommendinga travel plan that matches your goals.
“Travel coaches help people set intentions for their trips,”says Sahara De Vore, founder of the Travel Coach Network, which accredits travel coaches.“When you can identify the ‘why' for your trip, you can better decide where to go. You can also decide when to go, who
00603# 英语写作试题 第2页(共3页)
to go with, how long to go for and what you need to do during your trip. That will help you
gain the outcome, transformations and experiences you desire. ”
A travel coach can help you select the right destination and plan every aspect of your trip. Betsy Ball, co-founder of Euro Travel Coach, says she tries to eliminate the trouble of trip planning, so her clients can focus on what matters : the food, wine, culture,history and people of Europe.
Some travel coaches develop areas of expertise that you probably won't find elsewhere For example, Allie Bahn coaches people who travel with food allergies. Bahn draws on her experiences of growing up with food allergies and living in Italy for three years. Bahn says,
“Many people haven't traveled abroad before and are worried about eatng safely in other countries. ”
So how do you find a travel coach? De Vore's site lists people who have completed her travel coaching program. Asking a well-traveled friend for a recommendation or searching online for“travel coach”may be just as effectve, although experts say a recommendation alone isn't enough; you should ensure that your travel coach intimately knows your destination.
Other than that, the strategies for hiring a travel coach include asking for references, conducting a detailed interview and watching for red flags, such as exaggerated claims or a lack of experience.
A good travel coach knows their clients'vacation goals and interests and is able to create a travel plan tailored for the individuals or group. If you think where you go is more i mportant than how you get there, maybe you need a travel coach.
Ⅱ . Compose an essay. (60 points)
“Pride comes before a fall.”This proverb means that if you have too high an opinion of yourself or your abilities, something will happen to make you look stupid. How do you understand this saying? Write an essay (about 300 words) to express your opinion.

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